Settlement Agreement

Download this Settlement Agreement when a dispute arises to commit the parties to settle the dispute out of the court.

Word Document (.docx)

Settlement agreement India

Ready to use legal template

Drafted by experienced lawyers

Compliant with Indian law

Ready to use legal template

Drafted by lawyers

Compliant with Indian law

Learn more about Settlement Agreement in India

Any legal connection, whether between an employer and an employee or a landlord and a tenant, is likely to result in a conflict. To prevent lengthy and expensive legal actions, it may be prudent to establish a Settlement Agreement to resolve differences out of court . During talks, the parties may agree on certain matters yet disagree on others. And who better to obtain this agreement than a Settlement Agreement produced by a lawyer or to benefit from the aid of a lawyer in negotiating the parameters of the agreement? Get this template document and the support of an Indian lawyer who specializes in litigation and negotiation with Themis Partner.

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Table of contents

What is a Settlement Agreement?
Why use a Settlement Agreement?
What is included in a Compromise Agreement?
How to write a Settlement Agreement?
What to do if one party refuses to sign?
Why is it important to have a lawyer?

What is a Settlement Agreement?

When it becomes impossible to resolve a dispute through talking, mediation, or formal procedures, there is another tool available when the parties reach agreement to the end of an employment relation: a Settlement Agreement.

The settlement agreement, sometimes known as a “compromise agreement,” is used to lay out the details of an agreement to resolve an employment dispute. In most cases, an employer proposes to engage into a contract.

It is a legally enforceable contract that is often entered into between an employer and an employee. Under exchange for financial compensation, the employee frequently waives the right to file a financial claim against the employer in this contract.

Why use a Settlement Agreement?

Compromise agreements serve several functions. The settlement agreement is used to resolve disagreements at any time in the partnership, not only at the end of an employment term.

A Settlement Agreement can also be used to resolve an ongoing employment dispute, such as one over holiday pay or housing allowance. These agreements are typically presented by the employer; however they can be proposed by either the employer or the employee.

When all other methods of resolving disputes or differences in employment or in relation to any agreement and its clauses have failed, settlement agreements offer a quick resolution and are generally less time-consuming and stressful than a tribunal. However, settlement agreements are costly since they include the expense of cash compensation. They also have the ability to wreak havoc on broader employment relations if employed incorrectly.

What is included in a Compromise Agreement?

A Settlement Agreement must be in writing and have the following provisions in order to be valid:

An offer is something that one side pledges to perform
➤ Acceptance of the other party's terms of that offer
Valid consideration on both parties, which can be any physical or intangible advantage as long as it is reasonable and supplied freely
➤ Mutual assent, which implies that both parties agree without being forced to
➤ A legitimate goal