Upholstery Work Order Template

The Upholstery Work Order Template documents Customer requests for products, repairs, services, and estimates that an Upholstery Company may provide to its Clients. This can be a valuable resource throughout the paperwork trail a job creates since it will contain all the initial requests for that job set in writing as well as the direct authorization from the Client to proceed with the project under the promise of receiving payment when invoiced. The sections provided will organize all the information necessary for these tasks to be completed and the template as a whole may be continued with additional subjects if desired.

How to Write in PDF & Word

Step 1 – Access The Upholstery Work Order PDF Or Word Formatted Template

The form needed to document a Client’s Upholstery Work Order is downloadable through this page. Locate the “PDF” button or the “Adobe PDF” link to access then save this file in this format or, if you prefer working with a word processing document, select the “Word” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link.

Step 2 – Direct This Paperwork To The Appropriate Party

The Upholsterer or the Upholstery Business being commissioned for service or products must be named at the onset of this template. A text-field that has been presented at the top of the page will accept the Upholstering Company’s legal name input to its contents. In addition to identifying the Upholstering Business, input the “Name” of the Upholsterer or the Upholstering Company Representative who will receive this request. Next, use the “Street Address” line to document the first line of the Upholstering Business’s formal mailing address then use the line with the “City, State, Country” label to complete this address. The “Zip Code” that is assigned to the Upholstering Company’s mailing address is the next line’s requested entry. Make sure this is dispensed accurately. The telephone number needed to call the Upholstering Business, as well as the information needed to contact the Upholstering Office electronically, should be reported on the final two needed to contact this Party should be delivered to the two lines labeled with the terms “Phone” and “E-Mail.”

Step 3 – Submit The Upholstering Company’s Referencing Tools For This Paperwork

The first line on display in the shaded area following the header seeks a definitive filing number to be assigned and presented as the work order number for this request. The “Work Order #” line will call attention to this data as its reference number in a filing system. Next, the official calendar “Date” (month/day/year) will be needed on the line placed on the right side of the page (directly across from the referencing number just assigned).

Step 4 – Furnish the Upholstering Client’s Contact Information

The third section requiring information seeks the Upholstering Client’s “Name” documented on the first line under the heading “Client Information.” Furnish the Upholstering Client’s “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number to the second and third blank line in the Upholstering “Client Information” section. Utilize the next three lines (“Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” then “Zip Code”) as the presentation area for the Upholstering Client’s billing address.

Step 5 – Produce An Upholstery Project Reservation

The dates that define the first and last day of work required of the Upholsterer for the concerned project should be put in writing in the next area. Locate the “Order” section on the right then deliver the first “Expected Start Date” of work on the upholstery project to the first available blank line. Continue to the second available line in the “Order” section where the “Expected End Date” of the upholstery job should be recorded as the last day of work for this project. This is often referred to as a project’s due date.

Step 6 – Account For All Upholstery Items To Be Provided

A record of the upholstery products needed by the Client must be discussed in the table titled “Material.” Use the first column of this object, headed with the title “Description,” to document every upholstered product or furniture supply item that will be billed to the Client at the time of invoicing. The number of the Upholstery Company’s products that are being ordered for this request in the “Hours” column. Now that the upholstery product being ordered, produced, or used has been defined along with the “Quantity” needed for the job, it will be time to document the price of the upholstery product being discussed on the row you are working on. The “Unit Cost” column of the upholstery job’s “Material” table will seek this product pricing dispensed on the appropriate row for the ordered item. To conclude this table, a couple of quick calculations will be necessary. Multiply the “Quantity” of the upholstery product that will be used or provided to complete the Client’s request across every row providing such information. This result should be placed in the final column, as the “Amount” that will be required of the Client for the upholstery supply or product being ordered. The next calculation will also use previous entries. Review then add every “Amount” that will be owed by the Client for the concerned upholstery items. This dollar “Amount” should be presented as the “Total Material” payment the Client must submit.

Step 7 – Present The Upholster’s Schedule And Charges For Approval

The “Service” table displayed in the next area will act to convey the billable time for the upholstery project. The “Description” section introducing this table seeks the dates of every scheduled upholstery shift for this project listed row by row. Continue discussing the upholstery project’s requested work time by delivering a count of the number of “Hours” that constitute the shift that will be worked in the column adjacent to the dates and time listed (titled “Hours”). The Upholsterer’s hourly pay rate is needed in the third column. This is the dollar value the Client will be obligated to pay for every hour of work provided by the Upholsterer(s) serving the concerned project. The “Amount” that will be billed to the Client for the upholstering project time is expected as the result of multiplying the “Hours” by the “Hourly Rate.” Once this figure is reached, deliver it to the final column on the row containing the figures you used. Once you have listed the expected upholstery “Amount” to be paid on the appropriate rows, add them to one another. This resulting figure is required in the “Total Service” field provided in the final column.

Step 8 – Compose The Estimated Upholstery Totals Based On The Above Report

The upholstery project “Subtotal” is the next required report. Calculate this figure as the sum of the “Total Material” and “Total Service” values. The “Subtotal” field requiring this information is the first textbox presented in the third table. Locate this field then supply the required information. Use the local and state “Tax” codes governing this transaction to apply the appropriate sales and service taxes that will be due with the upholstery “Subtotal.”The “Total” that will be expected to make up the Upholstery Client’s payment should be displayed in the final text-field. Determine this value by adding the upholstery project’s “Subtotal” to the taxes that will be owed. Furnish this result to the final box of the last table as the upholstery project’s “Total” that will be owed.

Step 9 – Inform The Upholstery Client Of The Reporter’s Identity

The “Work Order Completed By” line will require that every person that has dispensed information to the above paperwork be named as its Preparer. A blank line placed immediately after this label will accommodate these entries.

Step 10 – Include Relevant Content As the Situation Dictates

The “Comments Or Suggestions” lines presented just above this document’s closing statement will be the final area where information can be documented. Your entry to this area can be composed of any information relevant to these parties and the transaction that will take place above.

Step 11 – Obtain The Upholstery Customer’s Signature

The “Client Signature” line placed below the closing statement will obligate the Upholstery Customer to the above document’s terms. He or she should sign this line to assure the Upholstery Business that payment will be rendered when required.

How to Write in Excel

Step 1 – Save the Upholstery Work Order Template As A Formatted Spreadsheet

The Upholstery Work Order Template previewed in the sample picture is accessible through the “Excel” button as well as its counterpart (presented above) link “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx). Select either of the concerned items to download this file directly to your system.

Step 2 – Address The Upholsterer or Upholstery Business Directly

the Upholstery Service Provider or the Contracted Upholsterer should be defined as the commissioned Party receiving this work request. The first three fields in column A are devoted to properly directing this paperwork to the Upholstering Service Provider. Cell A1 and cell A2 begin this process with a request that the logo of the Upholstery service Provider is put on display in cell A1 and the full “Company Name” in cell A2. Cell A3 will supplement the above information by document who is currently set as the Recipient of this paperwork. Thus, report the “Name” of this upholstery document’s intended Recipient in cell A3. The fields that immediately follow this identification process hold labels that indicate the mailing address used by the Contracted Upholsterer or Upholstering Company will be needed to continue. Cell A4 (labeled “Street Address”) and cell A5 (designated “City, State, Country”) seek the location of the mailing address recorded as requested by the presented label while cell A6 makes a call for the “Zip Code” where the mailing address must be directed to be supplied to its field. Produce the “E-Mail” address of the Contracted Upholsterer or Upholstering Company in cell A7. This must be the current email address where the Upholsterer or Upholstery Service Provider can be sent an electronic document or correspondence via the internet. The telephone number monitored by the Contracted Upholsterer or Upholstery Service Provider is reserved by the “Phone” label in cell A16. Furnish this content as required.

Step 3 – Dispense The Content Needed To Catalogue The Upholstery Request

This document must be categorized as a request in this Party’s systems for easy reference. Ideally (and in most cases), a work order numbering system for Client requests is already in place thus enabling a record of the “Work Order #” to be displayed in cell F5. The calendar “Date” to be associated with this request is also needed in the upper right of the spreadsheet. Continue to cell H5 where the current “Date” that you are working has been supplied for this documentation requirements. You may change this information to another “Date” if that is more appropriate to the situation.

Step 4 – Identify The Upholstery Customer Requiring Service

The “Client Information” section found on the tenth row in column A shall act to definitively “Name” the Upholstery Customer requesting the concerned service, the repair, or the production. Find the “Name” label in cell A11 then identify the Upholstery Customer.

The “Street Address” label in the next field (cell A12) and the “City, State, Country” label (see cell A13) should be provided with the information making up the Upholstery Customer’s mailing address while cell A14 (containing the “Zip Code” label) will accept the Upholstery Customer’s postal code. Next, submit the information needed to contact the Upholstery Customer by electronically by “E-Mail” and directly with a “Phone” call in cells A15 and A16.

Step 5 – Report The Dates When Upholstery Customer Expects Service

Now that both the Upholstery Service Provider and the Customer are named, the concerned assignment must be dispensed. Column G contains two fields where the “Expected Start Date” defining the first day of project work for the Upholstery Service Provider should be dispensed to cell G11 and the final or “Expected End Date” of work must be documented in cell G12.

Step 6 – Specify the Upholstery Merchandise And Billable Supplies That Will Require Payment

The upholstery assignment being discussed must now have its specifics documented. The “Material” heading (see cell A18) introduces a table expecting a discussion on the upholstered merchandise or the supplies needed for the Client’s order. A complete list of every upholstery product that will be billed is expected in column A of this table. Generally, the name of the upholstered item or supply or the manufacturer ID number is the recommended information to supply to this column.

Column F of the upholstery “Material” table continues your discussion on the physical products the Upholstery Customer requires and must pay for. Thus, continue to the adjacent “Quantity” column to supply the number of upholstery items that will be needed for this project. The “Unit Price” that will be charged for the upholstery product or materials required is the next subject this table will handle. In column G, the exact price of only one such item should be entered. Naturally, this price will define how much one upholstery product or supply mentioned earlier on the row you are working on will cost the Client. Notice that once the upholstery product’s “Unit Price” is dispensed the “Amount” that will be charged shall generate in column H. In fact, several areas in column H will populate, however, these can be set aside for the moment.
Step 7 – Detail The Upholstery Project Time That Will Be Worked

The “Service” heading, naming the next table on this sheet, shall expect that all time that will be billable to the Upholstery Customer be discussed. The dates that make up every scheduled day of work for the upholstery assignment should be dispensed down column A of this table beginning with the first field under the “Description” heading (cell A28). The upholstery project time can be defined by contract name, by project task or simply (recommended) by the calendar date and shift times. However many number of “Hours” will be worked by the Contracted Upholsterer or Upholstery Service Provider Team will need to be defined as well. Column F of the “Service” table, otherwise known as the “Hours” column, enables a clear report of this billable time for every row where work is defined. The “Hourly Rate” the Contracted Upholster or Upholstery Service Provider (Team) will expect as compensation for an hour of shift time shall be necessary for column G. This rate must be agreed to by both Parties. Thus, continue the discussion on every row providing information by delivering the hourly pay rate of the Contract Upholster or Upholstery Service Provider in the “Hourly Rate Column (G). This report will in turn fill in the “Amount” the Upholsterer or Upholstery Service Provider will expect paid for the full scheduled shift.

Step 8 – Conclude The Upholstery Charges With A Report

The upholstery charges for the Client’s project request will have been calculated based on your previous entries save for one field. Locate cell H36 of this sheet. The “Tax” label attached to this field refers to the sales or service taxes the Contracted Upholster or Upholstery Service Provider must assign to the calculated “Subtotal” then collect from the Client. Produce this value as requested.

Step 9 – Disclose The Documenter Of The Upholstery Request

Cell A37 of this sheet will begin our conclusion to the request being documented. The term “Work Order Completed By” currently leads to a set of brackets and the wording “Individual’s Name.” Clear out these brackets and the contained phrase then place your name as a replacement for these items. Every person who has entered content or data to the spreadsheet must be identified as such in this cell after the words “…Completed By.”

Step 10 – Produce Additional Upholstery Information As Required

Sometimes, there may be more topics that must be discussed to fully define the wishes of a Customer, the requirements of the Upholsterer, or deliver an incentive for future business. Cell A37, presenting the “Comments Or Suggestions” label will enable additional material submitted to this paperwork if needed.

Step 11 – Confirm The Upholstery Client’s Intent

The Upholstery Customer should agree to the providing payment in exchange for the commission upholstering by signing the “Client Signature” line as proof that he or she believes the above work order is an accurate representation of the project or project needs and that he or she will submit the required compensation. This line can be found in cell A42 directly underneath the “I, The Client, Authorize…”